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Social Proof Sales
- Smartarget
무료 플랜 가능

Social Proof Sales

- Smartarget
Boost trust with previous sales notifications
후기 0개
무료 플랜 가능

Social Proof Sales 소개

    Pick manually which sales notifications to show
    Configure the timing, amount of notifications and more.
    Customize the app to fit your website style
    Works on desktop and mobile
Create a pool of names and a pool of items you want to promote and the Social Proof Sales app will show it on your website. This app can help your users to gain more trust and for you to have more sales! Pick the right user experience you want You can choose what items to promote, add relevant pictures and customers names. Pick the position of the notification, how many notifications to show and the frequency. It doesn't matter if your website is new or already running for many years, with Social Proof Sales you can manually add notifications and make your new customers aware of previous sales.
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전체 플랜 비교하기* 표시된 가격은 USD 기준이며 청구자는 Smartarget입니다. 현재 환율에 따라 체크아웃 페이지에 표시되는 가격이 달라질 수 있습니다.

2억 3천만 명 이상의 Wix 사용자를 위한 앱을 제작 및 출시하세요.