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Smartarget Click to Call
- Smartarget
프리미엄 사이트 앱

Smartarget Click to Call

- Smartarget
Allow customers to call you within a click
프리미엄 사이트 앱

Smartarget Click to Call 소개

    Make yourself available for customers via phone
    Easily customize Click to Call to fit your website style
    Easier for customers to contact your
    Works on both desktop and mobile!
Providing phone support for your site has never been easier than with the seamlessly integrated Click to Call app! Provide customer support via phone and show your customers that you’re available for them. Not only does it allow your customers to ask you questions and gain confidence in your course, but also creates a personalized touch that is not possible through emails and messaging. The Click to Call app allows you to add your phone number on your website so customers can call you with the click of a button. With mobile allowing them to call you directly and desktop showcasing your phone number, customers will always feel supported. The customizable widget not only makes your phone number more accessible, but will also allow you to add a name, role, and profile photo so that customers know exactly who they are chatting with. This widget is a simple, yet eye-catching option to show customers that you are just one call away!
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- 프리미엄 플랜
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Free 플랜


Show app on homepage only
"Powered by Smartarget" message
No credit card needed
Smartarget Pro 플랜


Show Click to call on all pages
No "Powered by Smartarget" message
Unlimited traffic!
Unlimited customized designs
전체 플랜 비교하기* 표시된 가격은 USD 기준이며 청구자는 Smartarget입니다. 현재 환율에 따라 체크아웃 페이지에 표시되는 가격이 달라질 수 있습니다.

2억 3천만 명 이상의 Wix 사용자를 위한 앱을 제작 및 출시하세요.