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무료 플랜 가능


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Easily create and manage ads on all platforms
4.6 (9)
무료 플랜 가능

shown.io 소개

    Automated Ad Content Creation: Let Shown AI take the hassle out of ad creation. Our platform generates compelling ad content, selects eye-catching images, and identifies the perfect keywords, ensuring your campaigns stand out and resonate with your audience.
    AI-Powered Campaign Optimization: Our advanced AI technology constantly fine-tunes your campaigns for optimal performance, leading to increased clicks, conversions, and overall success.
    Centralized Reporting: Experience the convenience of centralized reporting for all your ad campaigns. Shown provides you with a comprehensive overview of your advertising efforts, making it easy to track performance and make informed decisions.
    Easily create and manage ads on Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter any more to come.
By installing the Shown Extension you will be able to easily export your products and audiences to Shown, allowing you to create laser-focused retargeting campaigns. Reach out to potential customers who have already shown interest in your brand and watch your conversions soar.
앱 지원 국가해당 앱은 국가와 관계없이 이용 가능합니다.
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평균 평점:

(후기 건 기준)
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Free 플랜


1 Campaign 1 Ads / Platform Reporting 1 Customer List 1 Product List 10 Creatives Customer Support - Email only
Shown Credits 플랜

20% fee on the campaign budget

A 20% fee is imposed on ad campaign budgets. It's important to note that this fee is applicable exclusively when initiating campaigns through Shown accounts.
Basic 플랜


1 Campaign 1 Ads / Platform Reporting Advanced Reporting 1 Customer List 1 Product List 10 Creatives Customer Support - Email only
Advanced 플랜


1 Campaign 1 Ads / Platform Shown AI Optimizer Reporting Advanced Reporting 1 Customer List 1 Product List 10 Creatives Customer Support - Email only
전체 플랜 비교하기* 표시된 가격은 USD 기준이며 청구자는 shown.io입니다. 현재 환율에 따라 체크아웃 페이지에 표시되는 가격이 달라질 수 있습니다.

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