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ShareDocView PDF Embed & Share
- Krivisoft Inc
무료 플랜 가능

ShareDocView PDF Embed & Share

- Krivisoft Inc
Leads, Data & Branding via docs embed & links
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무료 플랜 가능

ShareDocView PDF Embed & Share 소개

    Embed PDF Docs on your Site in a few clicks
    Get Email Leads and Analytics for each view or download
    Automatically send new Email Leads from ShareDocView to +5,000 apps, services and websites with Zapier
    Growth via Branding - Add company logo, colors and watermark to keep pushing your brand for all your documents
Get leads, branding & analytics sharing powerful document links or embeds on your Site. ShareDocView is a document sharing platform to capture leads via secure sharing, up-to-date analytics, and landing pages. ShareDocView makes it a breeze to create document links shared with potential investors, email subscribers, and website visitors. Control who views or downloads your docs by setting up different access rights for every unique link of the same doc. Ask leads to verify emails with unique codes before viewing or downloading documents. Test unlimited links to compare results and host docs on landing pages that capture leads with Google One Tap sign-in. Whether you’re sharing a document or a pitch deck, your files will always be secure. Add a password to open your link and use the 1-Click feature to disable access to your content within seconds. Integrate and send captured email leads to 5,000 apps via Zapier. Grow your brand adding your company logo, colors, and watermark to all your shared docs. ShareDocView gives you powerful analytics, secure link sharing, and high-converting landing pages to turn every doc into a sale! Share with confidence.
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10 GB Storage - 500 MB files Size
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* 표시된 가격은 USD 기준입니다.

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