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OSI Reviews
- OSI Reviews
7일 무료 체험

OSI Reviews

- OSI Reviews
Unleash customer trust with our review app
5.0 (5)
7일 무료 체험

OSI Reviews 소개

    Showcase user feedback, ratings, and product reviews
    Accumulate reviews directly on your store
    Enroll top reviewers into your referral program
    Send review request email to all customers
Elevate Your Store Experience: Discover our product review app, tailored for forward-thinking store owners and discerning consumers. Here's what makes us stand out: Rich Feedback Display: Showcase detailed written reviews and star ratings, offering a clear view of user sentiments and product perception. Direct On-Site Collection: Forget third-party detours. Accumulate reviews directly on your site, ensuring seamless user interaction. Automated Referral Integration: A standout feature! Automatically enroll reviewers into a referral program based on their star rating. A 4-star or above review seamlessly integrates users into your referral network, incentivizing valuable feedback and promoting organic outreach. Intuitive Interface: Navigate with ease. Our streamlined design ensures quick understanding for both store owners and customers. Boost trust, drive sales, and nurture loyalty with our specialized product review app. Genuine feedback, transformative results.
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평균 평점:

(후기 건 기준)
개의 후기 정렬:

요금 및 플랜

7일 무료 체험을 제공하는 앱입니다.
Basic 플랜


200 review request emails per month
Referral rewards
Review approval system
Automated review rewards
Standard 플랜


1500 review request emails per month
Referral rewards
Review approval system
Automated review rewards
Professional 플랜


12,000 review request emails per month
Referral rewards
Review approval system
Automated review rewards
* 표시된 가격은 USD 기준입니다.

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