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Low Inventory Alert by PoCo
- Presto-Changeo
14일 무료 체험

Low Inventory Alert by PoCo

- Presto-Changeo
Get notified when your stock levels are low
5.0 (1)
14일 무료 체험

Low Inventory Alert by PoCo 소개

    Instant Low Stock & Inventory Alerts
    Sell More & Win More Customers
    Monitor Your Inventory
    Global and Specific Alerts
We want to help you focus on developing and promoting your store to increase sales, instead of stressing and wasting time manually monitoring your inventory levels for items that are running low or lose sales on out-of-stock items. Low Inventory Alert allows you to create an unlimited number of notifications for the following conditions. Global - When any product reaches X items in stock. Product - When a specific product or variant reaches X items in stock. Collection - When any product in a specific Collection reaches X items in stock. Brand - When any product using a specific Brand reaches X items in stock. Never miss a product going out of stock again with instant email notifications (sent to 1-3 email addresses). Need an overview of low stock products? Click the "Low Inventory Report" tab and see all the products that are running low, and know what to re-order.
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* 표시된 가격은 USD 기준입니다.

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