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Contact Collection
- Contact Collection LLC
무료 플랜 가능

Contact Collection

- Contact Collection LLC
Collect more email leads directly to Mailchimp
무료 플랜 가능

Contact Collection 소개

    Seamless Mailchimp integration
    Fully customizable form
    The latest feature integrations Mailchimp has to offer
    Full GDPR Support
Contact Collection provides a seamless Mailchimp integration, a fully customizable form, and a beautiful interface to help you grow your mailing lists. Simply add Contact Collection to your site, connect your account, and start collecting visitor emails. Every subscriber you get is instantly added to your MailChimp account, so you can easily reach out to them with mailers, promos newsletters, and more. Don't settle for a white generic embedded form that won't fit your website. Install Contact Collection. * When you first install the app, you get the first 50 subscribers for free * Use Mailchimp Groups to be GDPR compliant * Utilize the new Mailchimp Tags feature * Instantly get notified about new subscribers * Know where your subscribers are from using our location integration with Mailchimp * Personalize everything about this form with a few clicks * Easily customize your layout, design & more * No coding required Privacy Contact Collection cares about your user's privacy, we don't save any of your user's information, once we send you the submission its data is completely removed from our servers.
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평균 평점:

(후기 건 기준)
개의 후기 정렬:

요금 및 플랜

Free 플랜


First 50 subscribers are free
All features of the app are available
Easily customize your layout & design
No coding required
Premium 플랜


Unlimited Subscribers
All features of the freemium plan
Prompt support via Email
* 표시된 가격은 USD 기준입니다.

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