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SlowI added 5 images and now my site takes 10 seconds to load the page. I have tried reducing file size, it doesn't help. why is every other website with a gallery that...
Wix 팀
Hello, this does not sound like the load time we would expect with the pro gallery. Please contact wix.com/contact and type into the chat bar that you are experiencing extremely slow load time...
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Jgroberski/ Dec 6, 2024
mehNot letting me do what I need to do in terms of display. Distance between items etc. No idea why there is a white overlay in the background cutting off words.
Wix 팀
Please contact us at progallery@wix.com with a link to your published pro gallery (if you have published it) or tell us which site in your account and which page of that site you...
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Yuhan04gu/ Dec 5, 2024
not a lot of creative agency with customizationsPLEASE HAVE THE OPTION TO ADD MORE IMAGES WHEN CLICKING INTO A PICTURE IN THE GALLERY, and also be able to fully customize the thumbnail image
Wix 팀
Thank you for sharing your feedback As it stands, we have an open feature request for the ability to add more items to a single expand mode. Please vote here https://support.wix.com/en/article/wix-pro-gallery-request-displaying-multiple-images-videos-in-the-expand-mode-of-a-gallery-item
The more votes...
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Sweetspireliteratu/ Dec 4, 2024
Wix 팀
Thank you so much! Your kind words mean the world to us!