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Nash: All-in-1 Local Delivery

Unlock reliable local delivery from top fleets
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7일 무료 체험

Nash: All-in-1 Local Delivery 개요

Get all-in-one access to popular fleets like Uber, Skipcart, Roadie, and more
Personalize tracking links & notifications to keep customers in the loop
Provide hassle-free in-restaurant pickup options for easy convenience
Nash powers local delivery for merchants. Seamlessly connect your restaurant to our global network of delivery providers—including Uber, Skipcart, Roadie, and more! Simplify operations by customizing delivery windows and specifying prep time. Automate order assignments and optimize routes for streamlined fleet management. With Nash, you can also offer convenient pickup options to your customers. Elevate your local fulfillment capabilities and provide exceptional service with our powerful app.
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요금 및 플랜

본 앱은 7일 동안 무료 체험이 가능합니다.
전체 플랜 비교하기
Nash All-in-1 플랜

$29 per location per month

Access to top fleets
Custom Tracking links & notifications
Single platform to manage deliveries
*표시된 가격은 USD 기준이며, 청구자는 Nash Technologies Inc입니다.
11월 세일일부 앱 최대 50% 할인
할인 혜택은 일부 앱 및 플랜에 대해 2024년 12월 4일 24:00 UTC)까지 유효합니다.

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