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HubSpot Sync

Automatically sync your contacts into HubSpot
후기 0개
최저 $20.00/월

HubSpot Sync 개요

Immediately sync contacts into Hubspot when they are created or updated
Create timeline events in Hubspot when someone submits a form on your site
Import all historical contacts into Hubspot
Email and chat support
Easily connect your website with HubSpot. Seamlessly sync your contacts and form submissions directly into HubSpot, helping you streamline lead management and automate follow-up. Boost your CRM efficiency with real-time data updates, eliminating manual entry and ensuring your HubSpot account always has the latest information from your site.
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요금 및 플랜

Sync 플랜


Automatically create HubSpot contacts
Sync historical contacts
Email and live chat support
*가격은 USD 기준입니다.

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