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Gift on Order

Up-selling tool to grow your revenue
후기 0개
5일 무료 체험

Gift on Order 개요

You can increase your revenue through up-selling using this application
Show product as a gift while reaching to a fixed order value
Show product as a gift on checkout page as well
While reaching to a fixed order value product as a gift add automatically
The Gift on Order provides store owners the capability to create and offer gifts to customers based on their orders at a predetermined price. This allows admins to incentivize customer purchases by offering gifts at a specified base price. This application is based on the concept of "Up-Selling", using this app you can engage and push your customers to purchase more costly products to get more valuable gifts.
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평점 및 후기

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요금 및 플랜

본 앱은 5일 동안 무료 체험이 가능합니다.
Starter 플랜


Unlimited gifts creation
TAT 12 hrs
Through official ticket system
*가격은 USD 기준입니다.

2억 3천만 명 이상의 Wix 사용자를 위한 앱을 제작 및 출시하세요.