Creative TRND is a Record Breaking, Full Service, Digital Marketing Agency.
Creative TRND achieved world recognition in November 2018 by having one of its channels become “The World’s Most Watched Channel”... across all social media platforms, generating over 5.4 billion minutes viewed in one calendar month.
Creative TRND partners with Google, Meta, Semrush, Tiktok and Wix to offer a wide range of services, including branding and design, content marketing, crypto marketing, influencer marketing, paid advertising, press releases, SEO, social media marketing and e-commerce solutions. With a stellar clientele and track record, Creative TRND has brought several high-profile ideas to fruition.
Our objective is to help businesses in Canada United States, United Kingdom & Australia grow by way of digital marketing.
We work with companies that want to maximize their online visibility and use their website for the purpose it was built – to bring leads and revenue from the Internet.
Our core services include:
• Search Engine Optimization
• Search Engine Marketing
• Content Marketing
• Social Media Marketing
• Website Design & Development
• Mobile Versions of Websites
• Video marketing
• Press Release
• and much more...
제공 서비스
SEO 최적화콘텐츠 작성쇼핑몰 최적화브랜드 개발전문 사진 촬영데이터베이스 콘텐츠이미지 편집사이트 이전맞춤형 사이트 기능모바일 사이트기본 사이트 디자인Facebook 픽셀 코드타사 서비스고급 사이트 디자인Google 애널리틱스사이트 가이드
The quality of work was great and I trusted Sarah with this project and she didn’t disappoint the communication was amazing and it was done on time....
Très satisfaite de mon expérience avec Creative TRND. Personnel courtois, gentil, efficace et à l'écoute de mes besoins. Un gros Merci à Alain Purney pour sa grande disponibilité. Mon site Web est tellement... Wow! j'adore
Absolutely the best team I've ever worked with. We've used them to build our infastructure. The dev team and marketing teams are top notch. Highly recommend! ...