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- 12종의 최신 레이아웃 중 하나를 선택하고 원하는 대로 사용자 지정 가능
- 애니메이션, 마우스 오버, 색상 오버레이 효과를 통한 고유한 디자인 완성
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Пропадют тексты во время редактирования дизайнаПропали тексты во время редактирования фона и никак не получается их вернуть. Как это произошло разбирайтесь блять сами. Я не буду делать работу за ваших ебучих тестировщиков!!!!!!
Wix 팀
Отправьте ссылку на свою профессиональную галерею на адрес wix.com/contact и напишите в строке чата, что у вас возникли проблемы с исчезновением текста из профессиональной галереи при редактировании фона. Технические агенты окажут вам помощь....
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Whamiltonperry/ Jan 15, 2025
BugThere is a bug. If you select for text to show under the gallery thumbnail and you select the 'Manual' option (as opposed to 'automatic') it is not possible to display the text....
Wix 팀
Please contact wix.com/contact and type into the chat bar that you are experiencing issues with the Pro Gallery Design settings. An agent will help you from there. Be prepared to send a link...
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Wickedwebau/ Jan 13, 2025
Completely UnresponsiveThe galleries all behave differently in other breakpoints and are not responsive. Mobile view can't be edited to correct position of size.
Wix 팀
Hi there, we have an entirely separate mobile editor (click on the mobile icon at the top of your editor screen) where you can completely change your mobile layout to suit mobile devices,...
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Amattson100/ Jan 11, 2025
NO CUSTOMIZATIONI used to be able to customize my layout on Wix Pro Gallery. Trying to create a new Gallery I am unable to customize the settings and it's very frustrating!
Wix 팀
Please contact progallery@wix.com and let us know what you are trying to customize that you are unable to. We will either help you find the tools you need to make those customizations, or...
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Siddharthpatil5/ Jan 11, 2025
Solution To all ProblemsJust read the settings carefully and properly scale your images in the aspect ratios you want then upload, its a very powerful tool then
And refresh the page, when it starts to glitch the...
Wix 팀
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