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- 12종의 최신 레이아웃 중 하나를 선택하고 원하는 대로 사용자 지정 가능
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Needs a preloaderBig complaint about wix: my site takes too long to load when you go from page to page, and its confusing for the viewer because there's no loading bar. This would add A...
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Telmatbruno/ Feb 10, 2025
Dommage qu'il n'y à pas moyen de nommer les galerie Les galeries Pro sont pratiques, mais en multilingue, c'est un vrai casse-tête. Si vous avez déjà traduit les textes d'une galerie et que vous les modifiez ensuite, vous risquez de passer des heures...
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Jay9743/ Feb 8, 2025
SUPER BUGGY and 100% unreliable. Have used Wix for years and one thing that has remained consistent all of this time, is that the image galleries are completely unreliable. Functionality like "autoplay" doesn't work and don't be...
Wix 팀
Please contact wix.com/contact if you have any bug with the app. Report it by typing the issue into the chat bar. A technical agent will help you from there. Once it is working...
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Nicholaschen3/ Feb 8, 2025
Does not work on mobile?Why are there so many elements that don't display well or work on mobile? Why do you even have them in the first place then?
Wix 팀
Please contact wix.com/contact if you have any bug with the app. Report it by typing the issue into the chat bar. A technical agent will help you from there. Once it is working...
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A1photographyonline/ Feb 8, 2025
Rearranging Photos is nightmareGallery itself is great but after uploading photos when I try to rearrange photos in album is not that simple. First you select one photo and then shit + additional photos, it will...
Wix 팀
Please contact wix.com/contact if you have any bug with the app. Report it by typing the issue into the chat bar. A technical agent will help you from there. Once it is working...