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כמה שפות במגבילאפליקציה זאת מבית ויקס מאפשרת לי שבאתר שלי היו כמה שפות שנתמכות.
חשוב לדעת: קשה לעבוד הם כמה שפות במגביל.
의견을 남겨주셔서 감사합니다!
Jonizaak/ Feb 4, 2025
Esperanto date/time etc format missingI am working on a site for an Esperanto organization and Esperanto is only partly supported. It just lists standard American date/time format, English months, etc. I am happy to provide correct translations...
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Rmatt300/ Jan 23, 2025
does not manage multidomainThe application manages subdomains and subdirectories but not multidomain. It is impossible to connect a domain in .es for Spanish and a domain.fr for France and to set up quality referencing for both...
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Saichisanart/ Jan 22, 2025
This should be in beta, and free.Where to start?
It translates everything pretty badly, it doesn't apply any kind of context to the translation, it messes up the whole page completely, you can't translate or configure the menu, tables or...
의견을 남겨주셔서 감사합니다!
Goshuinproject/ Jan 21, 2025
Issue with the Language SelectorThe language selector was functioning correctly on sites created before December 2024. However, in January 2025, after duplicating one of these sites, the copied site began experiencing an issue where the language selector...