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Wix Analytics

Get a 360° view of your business performance
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Wix Analytics 개요

Comprehensive overviews to give you a bird’s eye view of the most important metrics.
Detailed reports to track, analyze and optimize any type of activity on your site.
Personalized insights with actionable suggestions to help you grow further
Performance, security and uptime tracking tools
Get a clear overview of all your traffic, sales, behavior and marketing metrics, and drill-down into the nitty-gritty with detailed reports that focus on your niche. Download reports for further slicing and dicing, subscribe to get them straight to your inbox, or set alerts to track what matters the most. Wondering what to do next? Easily catch significant data trends with our Insights tool, and get actionable suggestions on the spot.
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할인 혜택은 일부 앱 및 플랜에 대해 2024년 12월 4일 24:00 UTC)까지 유효합니다.

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