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Automate shipping label printing
후기 0개
14일 무료 체험

SimpleSell 개요

Smart shipping rules
Bulk label printing
Delivery address check
Own shipping contracts
SimpleSell connects online shops and shipping carriers. With us, you automate label creation and picking. Intelligent shipping rules, a delivery address check and processing numbers help you to optimize your shipping process and avoid shipping errors. Connect your own shipping contract or start directly with our instant label purchase without minimum order quantity. This saves you money every day and leaves you more time to expand your online shop.
앱 지원 국가
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평점 및 후기

아직 등록된 후기가 없습니다. 가장 먼저 후기를 남겨보세요.

요금 및 플랜

본 앱은 14일 동안 무료 체험이 가능합니다.
전체 플랜 비교하기
Free 플랜

0 € / month

One store integration
Instant label purchase
Shipping address check
Delivery slips
Essential 플랜

19 € / month

Two store integrations
Own shipping contracts
Delivery slips with processing numbers
Basic 플랜

49 € / month

Five store integrations
Automatic shipping rules or rulebook
Shipping lists
Delivery slips and packing lists
Premium 플랜

99 € / month

Unlimited store integrations
Express Mode
Automatic shipping rules or rulebook
Support with priority
*표시된 가격은 USD 기준이며, 청구자는 SimpleSell GmbH입니다.

2억 3천만 명 이상의 Wix 사용자를 위한 앱을 제작 및 출시하세요.