Brand monitoring: Track reviews, mentions, & competitors—all for FREE
Top Google rankings: AI-driven SEO strategy
Top visibility: Sync & publish your business profile everywhere
More traffic & followers: Social Media Ads and posts with AI
The #1 AI-powered Digital Marketing Suite to get your business to the top of Google.
- Detect SEO issues and get quick fixes
- Boost your rankings with AI-Keywords generator
- Full-site SEO audit with AI URL Optimizer
- Track rankings and reviews in real-time
- Spy competitors' strategies
- AI-optimised content for SEO and Sales
- Sync business profiles on Google, Facebook, and more
- AI-powered Social Media posting and scheduling
- Launch ads on Facebook and Instagram in minutes
- AI-automated review replies in seconds
- Track your progress with reports
Drive traffic and boost sales with rankingCoach, the AI-powered Digital Marketing Suite.
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의견을 남겨주셔서 감사합니다!
Zackdirtstone/ Jan 28, 2025
Erases online progress.Doesn't do much if you already have a google business profile or social media accounts. Instead wants to erase everything you have and start new profiles, not link and connect to current profiles,...
rankingCoach GmbH 팀
Thank you for your feedback. It seems there may have been a misunderstanding. rankingCoach does, in fact, connect with existing Google Business Profiles and social media accounts. Our goal is to enhance and...
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Manuelaettel/ Dec 19, 2024
Von wegen Kostenlos! Lockvogel Angebot0 Sterne! Wenn man die App hinzufügt und sich quasi anmeldet, bekommt man zur Verfizierung eine E-Mail von Rankig Coach um seine E-Mail Adresse zu bestätigen. Wenn man die E-Mail Adresse bestätigt kommt...
rankingCoach GmbH 팀
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의견을 남겨주셔서 감사합니다!
Gsamadic/ Dec 2, 2024
TE ROBAN EL DINEROContraté esta aplicación y nunca apareció como activa. Cuando intenté cancelarla no se pudo ya que fué por PAY PAL. En centro de resoluciones de ambas compañías no se pudo hacer...
rankingCoach GmbH 팀
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