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Price Drop Alert

Send Emails on product price drop every time
후기 0개
프리미엄 사이트 앱

Price Drop Alert 개요

Pop-up view for top 10 subscribed products.
A store owner can easily come to know most demanded products by the customers or guest users. Helps to increase the sales.
A customer or guest user can unsubscribe from the email notification in future.
A CSV download option for store owners for specific period of time.
The store owner can view the top 10 subscribed products in the pop-up on their screen whenever they refresh the same window. According to that list, they can change the price of the subscribed products accordingly. Whenever the price will be dropped by the admin, the customer will receive an email notification for the same. This will increase the revenue of the store which is directly proportional to the sale of products. The email notification template can be customized by the store owner as per their necessity. Also, the store owner can export the subscribed user's data into a CSV file format as per their requirements.
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요금 및 플랜

본 앱은 10일 동안 무료 체험이 가능합니다.
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*가격은 USD 기준입니다.

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