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OnVoard: Back In Stock

Use back-in-stock to recover restock revenue.
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프리미엄 사이트 앱

OnVoard: Back In Stock 개요

Multiple Triggers - 4 different widgets to trigger back-in-stock prompt.
Double Opt-In (GDPR) - Send double opt-in confirmation email when a user subscribes. For merchants that needs to adhere to GDPR.
Collection Page - Collect back-in-stock requests in collection page.
Minimum Quantity - Set minimum required number of stock units before we generate notifications.
Why use OnVoard Back In Stock? 1) Multiple Triggers Beside inline button, we provide 4 different built-in triggers for back-in-stock. - Floating Button - Inline Button - Inline Form - Inline Text 2) Double Opt-In (GDPR) Send double opt-in confirmation email when a user subscribes. Subscribers who didn't confirm opt-in will not receive back-in-stock emails. This can be used for merchants who need to adhere to regulations like GDPR. 3) Subscribe Multiple Variants Users can subscribe to multiple product variants within a single form. 4) Display when any product variant is out-of-stock Back-in-stock option may not be obvious to your user since they need to select the out-of-stock variant before back-in-stock is shown. To resolve that, you can opt to show back-in-stock option if any product variant is out-of-stock. 5) Batch Notifications For popular items, you can use batch notifications to deliver notifications in batches instead of notifying all subscribers at once. 6) Collection Page Collect back-in-stock requests in collection page 7) Inventory Dashboard View the most in-demand products that are currently out of stock.
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*표시된 가격은 USD 기준이며, 청구자는 OnVoard입니다.

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