Review bookings for any time frame & filter by service, staff or client name
Discover if and how clients paid for their sessions & view their booking info
Download as a CSV file and print any list of your bookings
Note: Make sure you’ve installed Wix Bookings before using this app
Stay on top of all your bookings and find the data you want in a hurry.
- Select a date range to see a list of all the sessions between those dates. You’ll be able to see your bookings history, current or future bookings.
- Narrow your search: Filter by service type, staff or client’s name.
- See your clients’ booking info including their name, email, phone and any other info from your booking form.
- Determine the number of people each client booked for group sessions like classes and courses.
- Download specific lists as a CSV file or print them out.
- Discover if and how clients paid for their sessions to stay on top of payments.
- Note: This app requires Wix Bookings to be pre-installed and is currently in Beta mode.
No service prices in this list?With Bookings I can't get a list with the session date (not the date the session was booked). This is crucial for reporting.
I was advised to install Bookings List - it shows indeed...
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Carstensyolanda/ Oct 4, 2023
I must be doing something wrong?I would like to attach screen prints. This app is not working. I have selected the dates 1 Oct to 4 Oct. I've tried 3 times and got different errors every time,...
Wix 팀
Hi carstensyolanda,
We always appreciate your feedback, it helps us improve.
We found the issue and working to resolve it.
Thank you,
Wix Bookings team.
의견을 남겨주셔서 감사합니다!
Shannonleary/ Sep 19, 2023
Edited Does the TrickUPDATE
So the problem was a user Error. We were running the report based on day booked not date of booking. The Wix team was very diligent in being available to help us. But...
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Thedarthrage/ Aug 17, 2023
Why it has installed in a main bar - not under Calendar Bookings?Why it has installed in a main bar - not under Calendar Bookings?
Is it possible to change this?
Wix 팀
Hey thedarthrage, thanks for your feedback.
We have a new Bookings list feature available under Calendar Bookings.
의견을 남겨주셔서 감사합니다!
Cribric/ Jul 25, 2023
APP does not work properlyI cannot find all the booking service in here.
Wix 팀
Hi cribric,
This is Jacob from the Wix Bookings team.
Thanks for your feedback. We fixed the issue. Thank for making Wix products better.
Wix Bookings team