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CSV Order Notifications
- Prism Tech Studios
30일 무료 체험

CSV Order Notifications

- Prism Tech Studios
Adds CSV email notifications to your store
5.0 (2)
30일 무료 체험

CSV Order Notifications 소개

    When an order is placed, receive an email with an attached CSV containing all order details
    Receive a daily or weekly summary email with a CSV of all unfulfilled orders
    Receive a daily or weekly summary email with a CSV of all orders placed through the site
    Send notification to a custom email address
• Seamlessly integrate with third-party systems by automating operations with any system that accepts CSV data • Automatically receive data to use in order analysis • Receive data every time an order is placed. Receive an email notification with a CSV attachment containing key information like price, item, variant and shipping information • Regularly receive full email summary data. Choose to receive order summary CSV data on a daily or weekly basis • Receive reports on unfulfilled orders. Receive CSV summaries of all unfulfilled orders on a daily or weekly basis
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Order Notifications 플랜


Email alerts w/CSV for new orders
Regular email summaries of orders
* 표시된 가격은 USD 기준입니다.

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